The Southeastern Regional Relocation Council (SRRC), established in 1988, is an organization dedicated to providing a forum for education, problem-solving, and networking for relocation professionals. |
Monday, October 7th-Tuesday, October 8th
Grand Hyatt, Tampa, FL
UPDATED AGENDA Monday- Oct 7 V.I.B.E. Agenda
6:00-10:00 Good VIBEs 70s Party
Good VIBEs 70s Party Bring your good vibes only with our 70s themed evening. Suggested attire: dress in either 70s theme or support SRRC by dressing in our SRRC logo colors: Orange, Teal, Blue, and Purple. HIGHLIGHTED SPEAKERS ANNOUNCING OUR 2024 FALL KEYNOTE SPEAKER Mark Strong, CEO of Strong Training & Coaching Mark spent 25 years working at boutique and global ad agencies such as Fallon and McCann in many roles ranging from EVP, Chief of Staff, Director of Business Development, Director of Account Management and Director of Learning. In 2004, he started Strong Training & Coaching to help people get strong at work, so they can be strong in life. He takes an action-centered approach to coaching and training, providing clients with tools they can use now to maximize their impact. While Mark is serious about delivering results, he doesn’t miss an opportunity to infuse humor into his engagements knowing that ultimately, if it’s not fun, it’s forgettable. As a coach and trainer, Mark has significant credentials from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), Corporate CoachU, and The Institute of Coaching at McLean/Harvard Medical School and is a certified practitioner of DiSC. Mark's favorite quote is “Always be learning.” In another life, Mark is a comedic actor. In this life, Mark calls Minneapolis home.
VIBE Check: Managing Your Career
Are you ready to take control of your career journey? Strong Training & Coaching will run a dynamic and engaging 90-minute session designed to equip you with "beyond the basics" skills needed to navigate from where you are to where you want to be. In this highly interactive workshop, we will explore 6 critical skills that are crucial for achieving maximum impact in your career. Through a mix of self reflection, small group activities, and expert training and facilitation, you learn how to apply the most effective frameworks and tools to each skill, ensuring you leave with a plan for your professional growth. Whether looking to accelerate your career or simply refine your current trajectory, this session will provide the insights and strategies to succeed. YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS THIS AND OTHER LIVE TIME INDUSTRY UPDATES AND DISCUSSSIONS. |
SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE: Thank you to all of our incredible conference and annual sponsors, without your support we would not have been able to put together a productive and informative conference. There are still opportunities at being a Specialty Corporate RoundTable Sponsor for the Fall Conference and Annual Sponsorship Opportunities at all levels available. Check out our sponsorship tab on our website or reach out to Marcos Isaac, marcos@theapartmentnetwork. Thank you again for all of your attendance, involvement, and support for SRRC! |